May 15, 2024
davoud jahani

davoud jahani

Academic rank: Assistant professor
Address: University of Bonab, Bonab, Iran
Education: Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering
Phone: 04137745000
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Department: Mechanical Engineering


Open-cell cavity-integrated injection-molded acoustic polypropylene foams
Type Article
Open-cell Foam Polypropylene Injection molding Noise
Researchers davoud jahani، Amir Ameli، Peter Jung، Mohammad-Reza barzegari، Chul B. Park، Hani Naguib


In this study, a commercially available foam injection-molding machine was enhanced with a mold opening technique to produce polypropylene open-cell acoustic foams. Gas counter-pressure was used to improve the cell morphology and uniformity of the injection-molded foams. Their structure and thickness were controlled by applying different degrees of mold opening. The sample structure, the cell morphology, and the acoustic behavior of the foams were characterized. A foamed structure with an open-cell content of 67% and an expansion ratio of 4.6 was obtained when the mold was opened by 4.5 mm. Although further opening of the mold did not significantly increase the open-cell content, it triggered crack creation in the middle of the foams, where the creation of cavities was also facilitated. The injection-molded foams with a cavity and a high open-cell content, presented remarkable acoustic properties: a peak absorption coefficient of 0.95 was observed for foam with a 73% open-cell content and a 9 mm cavity. An automated system was also developed to perforate the acoustic foams, and the acoustic properties of foams both with and without perforation were studied. While perforating the foams widened their absorption coefficient frequency spectrum, it did not improve their transmission loss.