30 فروردین 1403
علي احمديان

علی احمدیان

مرتبه علمی: دانشیار
نشانی: بناب- دانشگاه بناب
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی / مهندسی برق
تلفن: 04137745000
دانشکده: دانشکده فنی و مهندسی
گروه: گروه مهندسی برق

مشخصات پژوهش

Stochastic Modeling of Plug-in Electric Vehicles Load Demand in Residential Grids Considering Nonlinear Battery Charge Characteristic
نوع پژوهش مقاله ارائه شده
PEVs, Stochastic modeling, nonlinear charge profile, load demand modeling.
پژوهشگران علی احمدیان (نفر اول)، مهدی صدقی (نفر دوم)، مسعود علی اکبر گلکار (نفر سوم)


In order to investigate the impact of Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) in distribution network studies, realistic modeling of PEVs load demand is important. One of the most important characteristics of the PEVs is the nonlinear behavior of their batteries in charging periods that should be considered in PEVs demand modeling. An accurate stochastic modeling of PEVs load demand proposed in this paper. The charging characteristic of batteries has been considered in linear and nonlinear charge profiles, separately, and the results of them are compared with each other as well. The results show that the nonlinear modeling of batteries has a significant effect on the load of the fleet, and it should be considered in relevant studies.