31 فروردین 1403
الهام نقاش زرگر

الهام نقاش زرگر

مرتبه علمی: استادیار
نشانی: بناب- دانشگاه بناب
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی / مهندسی نساجی
تلفن: 04137745000
دانشکده: دانشکده فنی و مهندسی
گروه: گروه مهندسی نساجی

مشخصات پژوهش

Meso modeling of silk wire rope scaffolds in tissue engineering
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
Finite element method, modeling, wire rope, multi twisted yarn, scaffold, silk
پژوهشگران سید بهزاد عبداللهی (نفر اول)، الهام نقاش زرگر (نفر دوم)، داریوش سمنانی (نفر سوم)


Finite element method can provide valuable results and information to evaluate and assess the mechanical behavior of tissue engineered scaffolds. In this investigation, a structurally and analytically based model is applied to analyze and to describe the mechanical properties of wire rope yarns as scaffold or other applications in textile engineering. In order to modeling the mechanical behavior of single yarn, non-linear hyperfoam model with three strain energy potential has been used. The results of finite element model are compared with an experimental approach and showed good agreement between software and experimental analysis with a maximum error at break of about 4.3%. As a result, validation of the finite element method is guaranteed for analysis of other structure of multi twisted yarn or wire ropes.