May 16, 2024
Sayyad Nojavan

Sayyad Nojavan

Academic rank: Associate professor
Education: Ph.D in ٍElectrical Power Engineering
Phone: 09148903379
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Department: Electrical Engineering


Optimal robust scheduling of energy-water nexus system using robust optimization technique
Type Article
Nexus system Robust optimization technique (ROT) Water and power demands uncertainty Deterministic approach Combined water-power (CWP) units
Researchers Qun Guo، Tiantong Guo، Qiannan Tian، Sayyad Nojavan


Clean energy and water are two crucial resources that must be delivered safely in every civilization. Water distribution and electricity transmission networks, which provide these precious resources, have traditionally been conceived of as independent, uncoupled systems. However, they are inextricably linked in what is known as the energy-water nexus in reality. This paper considers a nexus system constructed from combined water-power (CWP) and single water and power energy resources to satisfy the power and water demands. Furthermore, a robust optimization technique (ROT) is proposed to model the uncertainties of water and power demands. ROT models the worst realizations of the uncertain parameters. The obtained results are proper strategy for the conservative system operators. The robust-based optimization problem is solved using OQNLP solver under the GAMS software. Results state that by considering the proposed robust-based optimization model, the total operation cost will be increased by about 9.52% for the conservative operators.